Stainton Parish Council Planning Applications

The parish council is sent information from SLDC planning dept. about all planning applications in the parish. The councillors consider each application and comments are submitted to the planning dept. In the case of larger more complex applications a working group of councillors may meet and /or have a site visit to discuss and agree comments to be submitted to SLDC. If a working group is to be formed for an application the intention will be posted on the website. The councillors also take into account any views given to them by any parishioner, which can be done through this website (see feedback/contact us link on Clerk/Councillors page) or by contacting a councillor directly. The parish council do not make any decisions about the application. This is the responsibility of the planning committee at SLDC.

Full and detailed information is available for all members of the public to inspect either at the link below or at the planning office at:

SLDC, South Lakeland House, Lowther Street, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 4DL. Tel 01539 733333

A paper notice is posted near to the locality and residents adjacent should also be notified by the planning dept.

All applications below have a link to the SLDC web page (click on the ref no)

21st November SL/2016/1041 & SL/2016/1042 Sellet Hall, Stainton, Kendal

Garage development       Granted with conditions 25th January 2017

24th November SL/2016/1069 Millers Beck Guest House , Millbridge Lane, Kendal

Change of use from class C1 Hotels to C2 Residential institutions.  Application withdrawn 9th January 2017.

30th January SL/2017/0048 Sellet Estate Stables & Stud, Stainton, Kendal

Improvement and extension of existing access track, erection of new stable block with indoor arena, utility building, menage, horse exerciser, muck heap and associated infrastucture.   Application withdrawn 9th March 2017.

20th June SL/2017/0383  Sellet Hall, Stainton, Kendal

Timber stable block with hardstanding (Revised scheme of SL/2016/0645)   Granted with conditions 15th November 2017

19th June SL/2017/0384 Sellet Hall, Stainton, Kendal

19th June SL/2017/0385 Sellet Hall, Stainton, Kendal

Alterations to pitch of north facing slope on rear porch and the erection of a retaining wall as a flood resilience measure   Both granted with conditions 1st August 2017

13th July SL/2017/0602 Land at Helm Mount Farm, Barrows Green, Kendal

Erection of stable building  Granted with conditions 17th October 2017

31st August SL/2017/0685 Skettlegill Farm, Stainton, Kendal

Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) attached to planning permission SL/2007/0353 (alterations, extension & erection of detached garage and new access)   Granted with conditions 25th October 2017

29th August SL/2017/0782 Viver Mill Farm, Viver Lane, Hincaster, Milnthorpe

Garden room with balcony  Granted with conditions 24th October 2017

12th October SL/2017/0871 and 0872 Sellet Estate Stables and Stud, Stainton, Kendal

Conversion of three barns to form staff accommodation, erection of new stable block and indoor menage, extension to form utility building, formation of outdoor menage, muck heap, alterations to existing access track, landscaping and provision of associated infrastructure.   Granted with conditions 6th February 2018

 6th December SL/2017/1104 Stainton Aqueduct, Stainton, Kendal

Repair of the south portal damaged during the flood event of December 2015  Granted with conditions 31st January 2018

6th April SL/2018/0288 St Thomas' Church, Crosscrake, Kendal

Single storey linked rear extension to form a hall and associated facilities  Granted with conditions 11th June 2018

17th April SL/2018/0334   3 Shyreakes Lane, Crosscrake, Kendal

To upgrade the defective "Airey" pre-reinforced concrete home (PRC) with new external block cavity walls and insulation with off-white K-Rend finish to the external walls to match the adjoining property colour and alteration to existing rear window opening to form double patio doors  Granted with conditions 12th June 2018

20th April SL/2018/0348 Crosscrake Farm, Stainton, Kendal

Agricultural livestock building  Granted with conditions 7th August 2018

11th May 2018 SL/2018/0379 Sellet Estate Stables and Stud, Stainton, Kendal

Temporary living accommodation for the duration of the construction phase of works   Granted with conditions 17th July 2018

11th May 2018 SL/2018/0380 Orchard House, 2 Halfpenny Barn, Stainton, Kendal

Single storey rear extension  Granted with conditions 6th August 2018

27th June 2018 SL/2018/0504 Millers Beck Guest House, Millbridge Lane, Stainton, Kendal

Change of use from guest house & 2 apartments to a single holiday let   Granted with conditions 12th February 2019

27th June 2018 SL/2018/0562 Sellet Estate Stables & Stud, Stainton, Kendal

Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) attached to planning permission SL/2017/0871  Granted with conditions 24th January 2019

12th July 2018 SL/2018/0617 Barns at Skettlegill Farm, Stainton, Kendal

Conversion of barns to residential use including new access and landscaping works   Granted with conditions 1st November 2018

20th December 2018 SL/2018/1042 Sellet Estate Stables & Stud, Stainton, Kendal

Removal of a section of hedgerow to create a field access  Withdrawn 22nd January 2019

24th January 2019 SL/2019/0030 The Barn opposite High House Farm, Millbridge Lane, Stainton, Kendal

Conversion of barn to dwelling (Amended plans 9th July 2019)  Granted with conditions 22nd July 2019

14th February 2019 SL/2019/0142 Sellet Estate Stables & Stud, Stainton, Kendal

Installation of Klargester BF Bio Disk sewage treatment plant  Granted with conditions 22nd May 2019

15th February 2019 SL/2019/0145 Land east of A65 and north of Sepulchre Lane, Summerlands, Endmoor, Kendal

Installation of natural burial ground comprising of 1500 casket burial plots and 1000 urn burial plots, vehicular and pedestrian access, car parking and office / maintenance storage building with associated infrastructure and ancillary facilities Withdrawn 1st April 2019

23rd May 2019 SL/2019/0397 Land east of A65 and north of Sepulchre Lane, Summerlands, Endmoor, Kendal

Installation of natural burial ground for up to 4000 urn burial plots, access, car parking and office / maintenance storage building with associated infrastructure and ancillary facilities (revised scheme SL/2019/0145)  Granted with conditions 31st October 2019   

28th May 2019 SL/2019/0401 Sellet Estate Stables & Stud, Stainton, Kendal

Variation / removal of condition 1 (temporary living accommodation) attached to application SL/2018/0379  Granted with conditions 23rd July 2019

1st July 2019 SL/2019/0441 The Beehive, Old Hutton, Kendal

Use of agricultural land as domestic curtilage  Granted with conditions 9th August 2019

10th July 2019 SL/2019/0574 Stainton Institute, Stainton, Kendal

New interior and exterior lighting  Granted with conditions  22nd August 2019

10th July 2019 SL/2019/0579 & 0580 The Barn, Sellet Estate, Stainton, Kendal

Reconfiguration, extension & alterations to two existing buildings and two further partially completed dwelling units within previously approved barn conversion, change of use of land to provide garden curtilage and parking with erection of two detached garage blocks and associated external works  Granted with conditions 25th September 2019

22nd July 2019 SL/2019/0600 Sellet Estate, Stainton, Kendal

Enlargement of existing pond  Granted with conditions 19th September 2019

10th September 2019 SL/2019/0748 The Barn, Millbridge Lane, Stainton, Kendal

Discharge of conditions 3,4,5 and 11 attached to planning permission SL/2019/0030  Partly approved / partly refused 5th November 2019

22nd October 2019 SL/2019/0851 Sellet Estate, The Stables & Willowsway Stud, Stainton, Kendal

Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) attached to planning permission SL/2017/0871 (conversion of three barns to form staff accommodation, erection of new stable block and indoor menage, extension to form utility building, formation of outdoor menage, muck heap, alterations to existing acess track, landscaping and provision of associated infrastructure)  Granted with conditions 5th February 2020

31st January 2020 SL/2020/0092 Dreamland Farm, Stainton

Widening of existing bridge

3rd April 2020 SL/2020/0245 Paddocks, Willowsway Country Estate, Stainton

Single storey rear extension










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